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Which Spider Vein Treatment is The Best?

December 7, 2017 • • Spider Veins

For many people, spider veins are so bothersome that they undermine self-confidence.  Since most of these tiny blood vessels do not disappear on their own, the goal of Las Vegas vein treatment is to eliminate them.  A review of the current treatment alternatives helps patients choose the therapeutic option that is best for them.

Spider Vein Overview

Spider veins are tiny red or blue blood vessels that most frequently form on the legs or on the face.  While they are similar to varicose veins, they are typically smaller and lie closer to the surface of the skin.  Their official name is telangiectasias. 

According to Wake Forest® Baptist Health, these vessels are primarily a cosmetic issue that can develop even when the major veins in the legs are normal.  Spider veins take their name from their tendency to form a weblike pattern.  In some cases, large vein clusters cause stinging, itching, or painful sensations.

The cause is an abnormality in veins beneath the skin.  Signs of this disorder might also include burning, nighttime cramps, numbness or tingling, burning, restless legs, and swelling.  Ulceration is a possibility in advanced cases.

Treatment Options for Spider Veins

Vein doctors can eliminate annoying blood vessels using a number of outpatient therapies.  The path to treatment of spider veins begins with a consultation with a vein specialist.  After completing a physical exam, taking a health history, and ordering any relevant tests, the physician will discuss therapeutic options with each patient suffering from this disorder and will recommend the best therapeutic option.

  • Conservative therapies include the use of specially fitted compression stockings that help promote comfort but that will not eliminate existing spider veins.  The vein specialist might also recommend lifestyle changes such as shedding extra weight, avoiding prolonged periods sitting or standing and opting for looser-fitting clothing.
  • Sclerotherapy is the most common procedure used to get rid of spider veins.  The Cleveland Clinic indicates that this procedure involves injecting each blood vessel with a solution that scars and closes it.  Over several weeks, the vein begins to fade.  As many as 80 percent of treated veins can be destroyed during each session.  Patients appreciate the convenience of this procedure, which requires no anesthesia and which is typically performed in the doctor’s office or clinic.
  • Laser vein treatment sends intense bursts of energy into a vein.  The Mayo Clinic notes that this laser energy causes the vessel to fade slowly until it disappears.  The vein doctor requires no incision or needles to perform the procedure.  Transdermal laser treatment is especially helpful in eradicating very small spider veins.  Doctors sometimes use it along with sclerotherapy.

It is important for patients to understand that no treatment for spider veins can prevent the development of new vessels.  For this reason, many patients return for periodic treatment sessions.


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