What’s the Best Vein Treatment for Me?
Vein doctors base their vein treatment recommendations on your individual needs. In general, if your symptoms are mild, and don’t include leg pain, your vein specialist may begin treating you with specific lifestyle adjustments and compression stocking
VenaSeal Treatment for Varicose Veins
VenaSeal™ is an exciting new vein treatment option for varicose veins offered by Desert Vein Institute. c Until late last year, there were essentially two categories of varicose vein “eliminators” that vein surgeons used to collapse and destroy diseased, varicos
How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins
Varicose veins affect a lot of people. According to the Society for Vascular Surgery, up to 35 percent of people in the US have or will have varicose veins.
Varicose Veins: Causes and Risk Factors
For many who suffer from them, varicose veins are a cosmetic annoyance. These red, blue, or purple vessels have a ropelike appearance and most often occur on the legs
Low Impact Exercise Advice from Our Vascular Doctor
Patients often ask our vascular doctor if it’s possible to exercise without getting more varicose veins. If you have varicose veins, or if they run in your family, you can’t eliminate varicose veins from your life complet